Do you get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day? Most adults don’t. Thirty minutes is important because it’s the minimum amount of exercise our bodies require to be healthy. Still ¾’s of adults aren’t getting that. So how do we find our motivation to move?

What Doesn’t Work?

First, we need to realize what doesn’t seem to work for us. We seem to think we SHOULD (always a tough word) be motivated to move because we know it’s good for our health. We think we SHOULD be motivated to lose weight. Research indicates those are both useful tools for helping start a workout, but not stick with it.

What Does Give us Motivation to Move?

There are multiple motivational tools that do provide motivation to move. Next time you want to stick to a workout plan, consider whether it meets the following:


To make a workout visible consider using social media as a tool. Post about your new workout goals. Write what you did each day. Ask friends to encourage and boost you up on days you don’t feel like moving. Or partner with co-workers and have different departments compete for the most steps. To make it visible send out a daily or weekly email listing each individual’s steps. It’s using peer pressure to help you. Knowing that email will be seen by your peers helps motivate you to get more steps.


To make our workouts accountable we need an accountability partner. Find a friend or personal trainer and set a day and time you will meet. Having that appointment will help you commit. Plus, everything is more fun with a friend so the workout will just feel better.


We often set lofty fitness goals and then when we don’t get there fast enough we get frustrated and discouraged, which can derail the whole plan. Instead, break down your goals. If you aren’t a runner, but you dream about running a marathon, start with a couch to 5K. When you succeed at that goal, you’ll be more likely to want to do a 10K and then a half marathon. After that you can decide if you still have dreams of a marathon. Or maybe you’re interest will have shifted and you’ll want to try a mini triathlon or something completely different. But you’ll have shown yourself you can have success with small goals.


We all need purpose behind what we do. Nowadays it’s easier to get that with fitness than it’s ever been. There are many walks, runs, and bike rides for charity. If you find an organization you believe in and commit to raise money for them, you’ll be motivated to train for the big event.
Or find ways to walk to what you need. If you live near a restaurant you love, walk there. Need to pick up some tape, walk to the store. Your movement will have an immediate purpose.


Give yourself the freedom to reframe exercise and think outside the box. You don’t have to do traditional exercise. You can walk someplace beautiful and enjoy the scenery. You can kayak or paddleboard. Meet up with some friends and play cornhole or go axe throwing. Find a fitness instructor that makes you laugh during class (laughing works the core).

Each of these motivators are good on their own, but they are even better paired together. If you can find something you enjoy and do it with a friend, you’re even more likely to stick with it. Found something with a purpose you can do with a friend and can post about on social media and you’ll be even more likely to stick with it. Pair motivators to help you continue to workout.

Remember what motivates you might change and that’s okay. Change you workout when it does. But always, keep moving!

Check out this video to see more!

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