Tips for New Pilates Students

So it’s 2015 and you just signed up for your first Pilates class (or your first Pilates class in a long time).  Pilates can be a lot to take in all at once.  It’s pretty overwhelming.  Just remember no one learns it all the first day.  I’ve been doing Pilates for over a decade and I’m still learning about it.  Not helping?

Trust me.  It’s worth learning.

Know that’s it’s okay to break it up into pieces.  Learn the moves.  Then learn the breathing.

And if there are a few things you’re stuck on like what is the different between neutral and imprint, check out this video.

Want a review of the basic principles (breathing, shoulder placement, ribcage placement, pelvic placement and neck alignment)?  Watch this video.

Tips for New Pilates Students2017-10-25T16:00:00-04:00

The Pilates Sexter

Ever heard of chicken sexting? It’s actually pretty fascinating.  When chicks are hatched they need to be sorted between males and females, but there is no way to tell which are which, unless you are a professional chicken sexter.

You see, no one who sexes chickens can tell you how they determine the sex. They just know.  You become a chicken sexter through the following training:

You pick up a chick

You look at it and say male or female

The chicken sexter who already knows how to tell says yes or no

You keep doing that until you always (or most always) get the answer right.

You are knighted Professional Chicken Sexter


Maggie AKA Pilates Sexter AKA Muscle Whisperer Maggie AKA Pilates Sexter AKA Muscle Whisperer

After seeing enough of them, something in the subconscious can tell you whether a chick is male or female, but you can’t verbalize it. This is true or I am just very gullible.  It’s one of those stories that is so good, I want to keep telling it.  Either way, I’ve taught enough Pilates that sometimes I feel like the Pilates Sexter, or the Body Sexter, or the Muscle Sexter—call it what […]

The Pilates Sexter2017-09-12T19:31:15-04:00

18 Things Only Pilates Lovers Will Understand


Love to Move: Pilates Teaser Love to Move: Pilates Teaser

  1. You’ve got your belly button pulled to your spine. And if you didn’t when you first read this you do now.
  2. You know your butt is part of your core because you never get through a workout without feeling it.
  3. When you hear someone say “100” even if it’s not pertaining to Pilates you want to run and hide. Since there is no escaping, you just pray your instructor counts fast.
  4. Relax your shoulders…nuff said. You know you could do this more all the time.
  5. That occasional foot cramp that comes out of nowhere. Ouch! Getting Longer! Getting Longer!
  6. You could always be reaching something longer.
  7. The Full Roll Up is the bane of your existence.
  8. You know how hard it is to breathe and move at the same time. In fact, you’re holding your breath right now.
  9. Neutral vs Imprint. You know the difference, but at first you weren’t sure and just knew it had something to do with a teacup balancing on your pelvis. Why a teacup?
  10. You’ve come to terms with the fact that none of the names for […]
18 Things Only Pilates Lovers Will Understand2017-10-25T14:26:32-04:00
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