The High Heel Workout

When we wear high heels regularly it makes permanent changes to our muscles and tendons.  The calf muscle and Achilles tendon get shorter.  Tight, short muscles and tendons can impact the rest of our body in negative ways, so it’s important to incorporate a few moves if you love your high heels and want to keep them in your wardrobe rotation.


Think STAND (Stretch, Tone, Ankle, Nourish, Doggie)


1.Calf Stretch:

You can do the calf stretch in so many ways.  You can face a wall and step one foot back pushing down into your back heel.  You can stretch your calves using a BOSU or a flex band.  You can use a set of stairs and let your heel hang off the bottom.  You can also use a half-foam roller and place the ball of your foot on the top.  Heels stay on the floor.  As you gain flexibility you can creep the foot that isn’t on the foam roller forward.


2.Tone Shins

We don’t think about our shins much when we exercise (unless, of course, they hurt), but keeping the shins strong can help combat the tightening of the claves.

Lean against a wall.  Walk your feet about 1 foot forward and then try to […]

The High Heel Workout2024-04-23T17:13:43-04:00

No More Sexy Hip Sway When Walking!!!

Plank in Bryce Canyon. Plank is one way to strengthen your glute medius and prevent a sexy hip sway!

I just read an article online that was coaching women on the proper way to sway our hips to appeal to men when walking.  Apparently, you can’t over-do the sway too much or it will look like you’re trying too hard; it’s got to be subtle and look natural.  The writer suggested throwing on a pair of high heels and just letting the sway come naturally.  Then they posted a video of two women walking in heels, hips swaying and described it as the “RIGHT way to walk.”  The Pilates instructor wanted to cry a little.

I get it.  We want to be sexy.  And maybe no one cares about proper walking mechanics and why women shouldn’t try to sway their hips.  But just in case, here is why you should care.  Walking properly, with a neutral pelvis, can help keep your joints safer […]
No More Sexy Hip Sway When Walking!!!2018-04-06T08:47:13-04:00
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