This is 40

this is 40

The reality that I’m approaching middle age has been slowly settling in all year. There is a level of disbelief. Not because I still feel 12, 20, or 33, but because I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. And it’s only going faster.

This is 40: No Mid-life Crisis Here

I can enter 40 without a full-blown mid-life crisis because I like where I am and what I’ve done, but there is so much more I want to do. It feels like 40 is that alarm that wakes you from a deep sleep blaring: “YOU ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME LEFT.” If I can’t see the entire world in one lifetime or learn about every topic that interests me, what should I prioritize? So, while I’m not having a midlife crisis, I am having a moment.

As a child I recall listening to adults reminisce. While laughing together over a memory, they would say something like, “I forgot all about that,” as a story trickled back into their mind. I was baffled. They weren’t telling stories about doing laundry. They were talking about events that seemed memorable to me. How […]

This is 402021-03-19T15:13:20-04:00

Plank Story: Elementary school games

This lovely lady helps make life extra fun.

This is an oldie, but a goodie from over a decade ago.  My friends were turning twenty-five.  It may be laughable now, but we were struggling with aging and growing up.  I’m actually more comfortable with getting older now than I was then.  Since today is Julie’s, my best friend from elementary school, birthday, it seemed only fitting to pull this from the archive.  Happy Birthday, Julie.  And to every twenty-five-year-old: it’s going to be okay.

Elementary School Games

Upon turning twenty-five, in Peter Pan fashion, Julie planned a birthday party for herself filled with elementary school games like bombardment, kick ball, and spud.

On average, I’d guess the attendees at the party were between twenty-five and thirty-five.  The point is, we would be categorized a young, at least according to my grandma.

After five hours of playing games designed for children, I injured my hip (which would result in a visit to a physical therapist), Julie’s right ear became permanently attached to her right shoulder due to a kink in her neck (that required massage and physical therapy to undo), and Matt hurt his […]

Plank Story: Elementary school games2018-02-14T16:25:17-05:00

Aging in Place

Joe Pilates Aging in Place. I think he's in his fifties in this picture. Joe Pilates Aging in Place. I think he’s in his fifties in this picture.

Aging in place is the concept that you can stay in your own home and community safely as you age.  Baby Boomers have started a trend of remodeling their homes to enable them to stay in one place as they get older.  We can make adjustments to our home, but what about to our bodies?

I’ve noticed a lot of family, friends and clients talking about getting older—movement feeling different in their body, new aches and pains they never had before, and certain exercises getting harder than they used to be.  Perhaps it’s just a phase and timing like when you are a certain age there is a year or two where everyone is getting married.  A few years later your schedule is packed with baby showers.  I guess I currently know a number of people that are hitting a milestone age that makes them stop, think, feel, reminisce, and remind them that time is fleeting.

It’s a challenge to know how to handle changes in […]

Aging in Place2018-02-14T16:54:01-05:00
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