As spring rolls in, I wish everyone would commit to moving more, but it can be a challenge. One of the most common reasons I hear people don’t move more is because they don’t have time. So here are a few tips to help you fit movement into your daily routine.

Of course, you’ve probably heard the advice to park far away at any store and take the stairs vs the escalator/elevator. If you aren’t already doing that, do that for sure, but here’s more:

Wake Up: Wiggle & Wave

Get up and sway. Wave your arms overhead. Sway and wiggle your body. Movement doesn’t have to be regimented, you can move in a freestyle pattern. But basically warm up for the day.

Teeth Brushing: Toe Lifts

Before you cram your feet into shoes for the day, lift your toes up and down. It’s a really good exercise for arch support and almost impossible to do wrong. Plus, if you do wear shoes, you’ll want to make time to move those tootsies.

Pump Gas: Pump Your Heels (or think Gas = Gastroc (that’s your calf muscles’ real name))

While you’re standing at the pump lift and lower your heels with control or for added challenge balance on one leg and do heel lifts (you can use the car to help you balance). Or bounce. Bouncing is great for a long car ride as it can help wake you up and invigorate you too.

Line: Legs

Any time you find yourself waiting in line—think about your legs. Gentle press outward and inward. You’ll be activating your outer thighs and inner thighs. And it’s pretty subtle so people are less likely to notice.

Driving: Deep Breath

Not only can a deep breath help keep you calm while driving, but it’s actually a really challenging move we all could work to improve. We tend to take deep breathing for granted and think it should be easy, but it’s not. If you find it distracting while you’re driving focus on it while you are at red lights. A deep breath can work every muscle in your truck.

Practice: Perimeter

If you have children and you take them to practice and have some time to kill while they are there, put the phone down and walk the perimeter of the court of field. You’ll be getting movement and fresh air.

Cooking: Cat Stretch

When we are hunched over a counter for a while, we could all really use a cat stretch. And you don’t have to get down on the floor to do it. Do a standing cat with your hands on your knees. Even if you do two or three in-between chopping veggies, you’re back will be better off for it.

Microwave: Marches

Waiting for that microwave? March in place while your food is heating up.

TV: Twist

It’s okay to kick back and watch TV, but if you’re going to do that, before you get comfy on the couch commit to at least 10-minutes of your TV watching being movement. This doesn’t have to be hard or grueling, you just want to move. Stay standing and do some rotations. Twist and let your arms swing. Or rotate and circle an arm as if you are mimicking the back stroke in a pool.

Bed: Back Bend

We spend a good chunk of our day hunched forward. So before you end your day, consider bending back. You can do this standing or sitting on the edge of your bed. Lead your backbend from your breastbone (not your chin). The head and neck should go along for the ride, but they shouldn’t be the leader. Pair this with that deep breath you practiced while driving and the movement can actually help you settle into sleep.

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