Eight, Easy Exercises Everyone Can Do

Everyone is always a strong statement.  There is always a reason someone shouldn’t do certain movements, but for the most part these moves are pretty safe. And what is better is they are good for  just about everyone.  If you aren’t typically very active, this is a good way to introduce movement.  If you are super active, this is a great way to make sure you focus on every part of your body in a gentle way to help recuperate for you next workout.  The body wants to move.  So here are eight exercises to incorporate throughout your day.  You can even get your coworkers doing them.  If they hurt anything, stop.  Try these every other day at least.  It shouldn’t even take ten minutes.

The order doesn’t matter, but remember START UPS!

Try them morning, noon and night.  Do them to your heart’s delight.  (Uh, oh, I’ve started rhyming…time to move so I stop yammering…)

Shoulder Lifts: Shoulders Up, Shoulders Down...OR...One Up/One Down Shoulders Up, Shoulders Down…OR…One Up/One Down


Sitting or standing with your arms long at your sides, slide your shoulders […]