Mystic Lantern Light Tours

The Mystic Lantern Light Tours

When I was in high school and college I used to perform in the Mystic Lantern Light Tours.  They are what they sound like: tours, led by lantern light.  Walking along the dirt streets at the seaport is like stepping back in time. A period-dressed guide takes a group of people from historic home-to-home-to-ship-to-pub throughout the seaport and in each location a scene is acted out by a group of actors.  It’s a walk through a restored village of sea captains and merchants before women wore pants and planes flew overhead. 

One year when I was a tour guide, Matt, my boyfriend, came on my tour.  A few scenes into the tour, I escorted my group into the pharmacy.  In the scene, as we entered, one of the actors was supposed to point out that I was standing under the mistletoe.  My character was meant to blush and move away, never insinuating to desire a kiss as a good colonial lady.  But the night Matt attended, he improvised […]