
Travel (The Fun, The Adventures, The Mishaps)

Welcome to Jordan

“You are welcome to Jordan” was the phrase we heard from almost everyone we met on our recent whirlwind trip to the Middle East.  “Please, go home and tell your friends and family they are welcome to Jordan too.”  Jordan, like Turkey, is a predominately safe country with some very difficult neighbors.  It doesn’t have any state issued travel warnings.  [...]

By |January 20th, 2015|adventure, hiking, hills, travel, Travel (The Fun, The Adventures, The Mishaps)|Comments Off on Welcome to Jordan

Hiking Zion, Bryce, and Arches National Parks

Traveling the world always reminds me why I keep moving. I enjoy hiking, which enables me to see places in the world that are a little harder to get to.  I want to keep moving so that I can see the whole world.  Here are some of my most recent and favorite spots from a trip out to Utah to [...]

By |September 22nd, 2014|Travel (The Fun, The Adventures, The Mishaps)|Comments Off on Hiking Zion, Bryce, and Arches National Parks

Hiking the Subway in Zion (Not if there is a flash flood)

Rain has never stopped us before. If we are traveling and want to hike, we go, even if we occasionally get strange looks from the locals. The Subway got it's name because parts look like an actual subway. So when we got to Zion Visitor Center to pick up our permit to hike the Subway, we were conflicted [...]

By |September 16th, 2014|hiking, movement, Travel (The Fun, The Adventures, The Mishaps)|Comments Off on Hiking the Subway in Zion (Not if there is a flash flood)

Grateful on Thanksgiving and Every Day

I may have dreamt it, but I’m pretty sure last year my Dad asked us all to say what we were grateful for before we dug into Thanksgiving dinner. And I’ll admit, while it feels a little cheesy, it is a nice concept, and I liked it. So here are just a couple of the things that I am so [...]

Amazon Appreciation

In Peru, I stayed at a lodge on the Yarapa River in the Amazon Basin. We traveled everywhere by boat and saw small villages of approximately 100 people. Seeing the way some of the people lived made me both jealous of the simplicity of their life and so grateful for the technology and convenience life in the United State provides [...]

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