Beautiful Walks

Another perk of the pandemic is that I’ve found new and beautiful places to walk locally. It’s amazing how many places are available to us that we usually don’t take advantage of in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The Governor recently mentioned that everyone in Connecticut lives 15 minutes from a state park. That’s pretty spectacular. We sure do have a beautiful state filled with beautiful walks.

Here are some of the locations I would recommend for beautiful walks. Please feel free to add to them in the comments.

List of Beautiful Walks

My New FAVORITE: Dividend Park, Rocky Hill

This place has a little bit of everything: scenic views, unique landscapes, and history. You’ll find a waterfall, a couple nice ponds, some historic ruins, and in the center of it all are these random sand dunes. Most of the trail is pretty easy, to get to the sand dunes is a bit up, but you can also skip that part. There are also a number of trees beavers have felled and that is just cool to see.

My Old Favorite: Old Wethersfield, Wethersfield

I’ll never tire of walking around my neighborhood. I know I […]

Beautiful Walks2020-06-08T18:06:59-04:00

Live Longer

My Grandma inside the igloo for her 89th birthday!

My Grandma will be 92 tomorrow.  She lives on her own, cooks for herself, loves the movies, and is interesting to talk to.  She has moments of forgetfulness and relays a lot of stories from the past and her youth.  Now and then my mom will call me to tell me she is worried my Grandma might be losing it a little.  Sometimes my mom seems right and other times I say, “I do the same thing.  If Grandma has dementia then I must too.”

A week after Christmas my Grandma called me to thank me for the beautiful amaryllis I’d given her for Christmas.  She left a message and as I listened, I grew a little sad.  I had not given her an amaryllis.  Perhaps my mom was more right than I realized.  Someone else deserved this thank you.  Not me.  It signaled that my Grandma seemed to be losing it.

Later that night when Matt arrived home, I told him about my Grandma’s message and how my mom might be onto something.  “I didn’t get her an amaryllis,” I told him.  “Yes, […]

Live Longer2018-02-14T15:54:22-05:00

Movement Beats Polio

My Grandma inside the igloo! My Grandma inside the igloo!

My grandma contracted polio when she was nine. She was so sick her mother had to push her in a baby carriage to walk her to the hospital.  She was embarrassed and mad at her mom because she was nine and didn’t belong in a baby carriage.  No one else in the Waterbury area had been diagnosed with polio so at first the doctors didn’t know what was wrong.  Before long there was an entire ward of children with polio.

For six month, my grandma was strapped to a wooden plank to immobilize her. It was the early thirties.  The hospitals didn’t have air conditioning and she talks about how hot it could get in the room she shared with a group of polio-infected children.  Those that died were wheeled out.  One of her best memories from her time in the hospital was on summer Saturday nights when the nurses would wheel patients who were well enough out onto a patio for fresh air.  The nurses would turn on music and dance.

When it was time to go home the doctor told her mother […]

Movement Beats Polio2017-10-25T15:49:42-04:00

Six Reasons to Slow Down Your Workout

We tend to think bigger is better.  We have to work harder and faster or we aren’t getting a good enough workout.  Sometimes we even use this as an excuse not to exercise.  But research is showing we can chill out.  You don’t have to go hard or go home.  You can just move.  Here are some research points in favor of a gentler workout:


  • Run Slow (10-min mile)

Running ten-minute miles and under 15-miles a week is more beneficial to your heart health than running faster for longer, which actually diminishes the gain for your heart.  So slow down and enjoy the run.  And stop calling yourself a jogger at a 10-minute mile.  It’s not 1970.  You’re out there running with everyone else.  You’re a runner.

  • Pilates Good For Your Mind

A small study showed that 10-weeks of Pilates increases memory, cognitive function and neural network activity.  You won’t be surprised if you’ve done Pilates.  It’s basically the exercise for multi-taskers.  There’s a lot going on at the same time.

  • Aerobic Exercises Creates New Neurons

That’s right.  Exercise is one of the few things, if not the only thing, in life that creates and builds new neurons in the brain.  This should be reason enough […]

Six Reasons to Slow Down Your Workout2017-10-25T15:49:49-04:00

No More Sexy Hip Sway When Walking!!!

Plank in Bryce Canyon. Plank is one way to strengthen your glute medius and prevent a sexy hip sway!

I just read an article online that was coaching women on the proper way to sway our hips to appeal to men when walking.  Apparently, you can’t over-do the sway too much or it will look like you’re trying too hard; it’s got to be subtle and look natural.  The writer suggested throwing on a pair of high heels and just letting the sway come naturally.  Then they posted a video of two women walking in heels, hips swaying and described it as the “RIGHT way to walk.”  The Pilates instructor wanted to cry a little.

I get it.  We want to be sexy.  And maybe no one cares about proper walking mechanics and why women shouldn’t try to sway their hips.  But just in case, here is why you should care.  Walking properly, with a neutral pelvis, can help keep your joints safer […]
No More Sexy Hip Sway When Walking!!!2018-04-06T08:47:13-04:00
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