Mind & Body

Remember that what you do with your body effects your mind. I see this constantly in myself. If I skip exercise, I start to feel frustrated and antsy. When I keep active I have more energy, stamina and am considerably happier.

But it works the other way too. What you think with your mind effects your body. If you think you can’t do something, you won’t be able to. If you think you can, you probably can. So next time you go to a challenging class, or take a long walk, or whatever you do physically, tell yourself you can.

Nell McAndrew at the finish.

Mind & Body2017-09-12T19:35:26-04:00

February Factoid: Fibula

Did you know??

Your fibula (the bone next to your shin bone) only bears 10% of the body’s weight. This makes sense because it is the thinnest bone in proportion to its length.

Thinkstock Single Image Set

February Factoid: Fibula2017-09-12T19:35:27-04:00

February Factoid: Calf

Did you know:

The name for your calf muscle is gastrocnemius, which is Greek for “belly of the leg.”

February Factoid: Calf2014-08-04T18:05:22-04:00

Weight Loss Factoid

The National Weight Control Registry, who followed 6,000 people who lost weight and kept it off, discovered that those most successful worked out at least 30 minutes a day.

Portrait of a young woman crouching on a weighting scale and smiling

Weight Loss Factoid2017-09-12T19:32:25-04:00

Workout Factoid

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Study:

Women who weight lifted twice a week for two years lost more body fat and gained less belly fat than women who didn’t lift weights.

Young Woman Exercising with Dumbell

Workout Factoid2017-09-12T19:32:26-04:00
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