The High Heel Workout

When we wear high heels regularly it makes permanent changes to our muscles and tendons.  The calf muscle and Achilles tendon get shorter.  Tight, short muscles and tendons can impact the rest of our body in negative ways, so it’s important to incorporate a few moves if you love your high heels and want to keep them in your wardrobe rotation.


Think STAND (Stretch, Tone, Ankle, Nourish, Doggie)


1.Calf Stretch:

You can do the calf stretch in so many ways.  You can face a wall and step one foot back pushing down into your back heel.  You can stretch your calves using a BOSU or a flex band.  You can use a set of stairs and let your heel hang off the bottom.  You can also use a half-foam roller and place the ball of your foot on the top.  Heels stay on the floor.  As you gain flexibility you can creep the foot that isn’t on the foam roller forward.


2.Tone Shins

We don’t think about our shins much when we exercise (unless, of course, they hurt), but keeping the shins strong can help combat the tightening of the claves.

Lean against a wall.  Walk your feet about 1 foot forward and then try to […]

The High Heel Workout2024-04-23T17:13:43-04:00

Limber for Life

It is so easy to skip stretching.  I skip it myself after many workouts. What gives?  We all know stretching is beneficial.  Why do we brush it aside so easily?

To encourage ourselves to stretch more we need to 1) enjoy it and 2) recognize it has value. Even if we don’t love exercise, many people make themselves do it because they know it’s good for them.  Why isn’t it the same for stretching?

Why We Stretch:

Range of Motion

We don’t need to be the newest member of Cirque Du Soleil, but it’s beneficial to maintain our mobility.  Ultimately that’s what stretching does.  It helps you keep your full range of motion (ROM) at every joint.

When we lose range of motion and flexibility, it limits what we can do.  Maybe you’ve noticed you can’t get up and down off the floor anymore, it’s hard to get your sock on, or you can’t scratch that itch on your back in a spot you used to be able to reach.

Reduce Pain

Also, limited ROM can lead to pain and discomfort.  If joints are clamped down and restricted it can lead to injury or pain.  This works at the other extreme too.  People who are hypermobile often […]

Limber for Life2024-03-08T16:38:15-05:00

Keep Kids Moving This Summer!

Your kids are home from school.  You’ve played all the board games you can.  And, maybe it’s even a rainy week.  What can you do to burn off a little of that excess energy building up in both you and the kids?  KEEP MOVING, of course.

You probably have items in your home that can help create a playful, imaginative workout.  Here are some ways to help kids stay active with household items:


Painters Tape

Put a strip on the floor—young enough kids can use it as a balance beam.  They won’t be balancing, but they can try to walk along it and stay on the line.  You can make it straight or zig zag it.

If you have a hallway, use painters tape to turn the floor into a hopscotch.  Swap a bean bag for the rock you’d use outside and now your child can hop their way down the hall.

Or, in the hallway, put tape at different intervals and different angles to create a “Mission Impossible Laser” hallway.  Your child has to try to get from one end to the other without touching the tape.  This one is easy to make easier […]

Keep Kids Moving This Summer!2023-06-21T17:05:02-04:00

Do You Really Need to Exercise?

Please don’t get me wrong. This is not an article about how you shouldn’t exercise.

It has an important role in our health and wellness, but exercise is not the only way to move and stay healthy. What’s really key is physical activity.

All exercise is physical activity but not all physical activity is exercise. Exercise is the traditional, scheduled, planned, intentional movement you think of when you consider running, weight lifting, and of course your favorite Pilates class (join me through Glastonbury Parks Rec Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 to get your virtual fill of that). Physical activity is any movement that activates the muscles and expends energy. That’s pretty much every movement.

Many large, multi year studies show that the more physically active someone is the less likely they are to die of all causes, including cancer and diabetes. In addition the more physical activity we are the happier we are and the less likely we are to develop Alzheimer’s. And it’s a sliding scale. Add a little bit of physical activity and you’ll live longer and grow happier. Adding more only increases the benefit. That’s where exercise can […]

Do You Really Need to Exercise?2022-05-03T17:01:20-04:00

Mindful Eating Tips

Every February (the shortest month of the year) we run a Mindful Eating Challenge. We already made it through this year (phew)! The purpose is to pick any food related goal/challenge that you feel would benefit you. I always try to give up processed sugar. Others try to incorporate more vegetables or reduce alcohol. Some people try to reduce snacking or only have dessert twice a week. The options are broad. But they are all linked to mindfulness.

What does mindful eating mean?

Trying to eat mindfully simply means that we try to notice anything we can about the food we eat. Maybe that involves being present during the act of eating. Or maybe it involves noticing our process with food—how we plan our meals or how often we think about food during the day. But mindfulness isn’t only about being present and noticing. It’s about accepting and not judging what we notice. Sometimes that can be the tough part. We can be so discouraging to ourselves when we feel we failed. When practicing mindfulness the fact that you even noticed shows you didn’t feel.

Mindfulness is the first step in figuring out […]

Mindful Eating Tips2022-04-01T21:43:03-04:00
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