Most Beautiful Place on Earth

“Namibia,” the flight attendant said when I asked her where the most beautiful place she’d ever been was.  It took us years to get there after her suggestion, but we finally made it last month.  There is a lot of pressure on a country when someone tells you it’s the most beautiful place they’ve ever been. I kept trying to remind myself to curb my expectations.  How else would Namibia have a fighting chance?

Matt and I spent hours of our trip (there were many lengthy car rides) discussing what makes a place beautiful and how we rank or rate beauty.  Architecture can be beautiful.  A landscape can be stunning.  A sunrise or rainbow with no specific place can catch your eye.  Does a beach or a mountain provide more beauty? I love the mountains.  Others prefer the beach.  How does your mood in any given moment impact how you perceive a place?  Can a spectacular place override any mood?

Namibia is striking.  I found myself gobsmacked more than once and audibly and unintentionally would utter, “wow” in the awe of the landscape before me.  One sunset we rode ATVs across the desert […]