As we start a new year, we are seeing two distinct splits in the fitness trends for the coming year. At first appearance they seem in opposition (and may be), but they might just help create a good balance between each other. One had been building since the pandemic, the other is a return to basics and simple movement.

Virtual Classes

Just like in 2020 and 2021, people still are turning to virtual classes. Virtual classes remain easy, convenient, time efficient, and an option when spikes of illness appear. From the privacy of our own home we can still get our workout in, but see others and get instruction in a virtual class.

Maggie's virtual Pilates

(Want to try one of our pre-recorded virtual classes? Click here.)

Wearable Tech

We continue to see people using wearable technology like Fitbits and Apple watches. These tools are used to track steps, mileage, heart rate and other health and wellness variables. People are posting their results on social media, which can sometimes help maintain accountability to reach our goals.

Fitness technology companies revealed at this year’s CES (a massive consumer technology trade-show that just wrapped up in Las Vegas), that we can expect to see more investment in technical fitness. They are investing in better scales and tools to provide us all the data we want on our bodies, and making virtual fitness more immersive. LG is working on a curved screen that wraps from floor to overhead to make your bike ride feel more real.

We will see if their efforts pay off. A barrier to getting the machines in people’s homes will be the size and expense, and potentially the other trend we see this year—a return to simple, back-to-basics movement.

Body Weight

People are using the only thing you ever need to exercise—their own body weight. If all you need to move is your body (and truthfully that’s all you ever need) then you can move anywhere any time. And body weight training can be just as impactful and effective of using machines and weights.

Outdoor Workouts​

Probably to break from the screens we are all on nowadays and to get a change of scenery if working and living at home, people are starting to do more outdoor workouts. Many group fitness classes started meeting outdoors over the last two years, and people enjoy it. The fresh air, the sun—it all feels good. Fitness gurus have been encouraging outdoor workouts since the beginning of time.

This is a great trend because research has show people are likely to work out longer and say exercise feels better when they work out in green space (outdoors) and the effects are even stronger in blue space (outdoors with water visible).


It also looks like in addition to focusing on the body, people are giving their mental health and mind-body connection a little more consideration. They are looking for yoga, breath-work, and mediation options that have been around for thousands of years. Physical activity is shown to reduce stress and boost our spirits, but many people are looking for still more and they appear to be taking time to breathe.

Whether you are still leaning toward the tech trends or the simple, basic trends, this is a great time to be alive because we have access to both. We can take that virtual class when it suits us and get down and stretch our own body anytime we need. We can use wearable tech to time our breath or check our variable heart rate or for a meditation app. All the tools at our fingertips can be combined.

There has never been a better time to Keep Moving!


CT Live


Keep Reading

Looking for ways to stay active outdoors this winter? See what Maggie has to say about shoveling!

Interested in the mind-body connection? Read more about how your mindset matters.

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