Plank You!

We have been having such a hot, muggy, moist summer. But this is also one of the best times to workout outdoors. We have long days, and the sun feels good for the soul. We can still workout when it’s toasty, but it just takes a little more planning and forethought to be safe working out in the heat. Here are some tips for a safe workout in the heat:

Timing in the Heat

When the humidity tops 70% (we’ve been seeing much higher this season) and the temps above 90, you’re best bet is to exercise first thing in the morning. Next best choice would be later in the evening (but that can interfere with your sleep schedule and it doesn’t always cool down enough). Either way definitely stay away from exercise during the peak heat of the day (from 11am-4pm).


Consider a different location. Think of a place that is shade covered. You’ll keep cooler in the shade than if the sun it beating down on you. The Airline Trail in Connecticut is a great place for this. Large swaths of it is shade covered. Plus, it’s really pretty.

You can also make a day of it and if you don’t live on the shore, head near the beach. My mom lives in Waterford, Connecticut and it’s regularly 10-degrees cooler than here in Central Connecticut. You could check out a new shoreline time each weekend—call it tourism exercise.


When it’s hot loose, light, breathable clothing are key. That matters for what you put on your head too. A hat is great for keeping the sun off your face, but you want to make sure it doesn’t trap more heat in. Try a visor or make sure the hat portion has mesh and is breathable.

A couple weeks ago I was hiking with friends and when we got high enough that the air was cool you could see the steam rising off of us. It’s the opposite of winter where you hear you need a hat so all the heat doesn’t escape out your head. In summer you need a hat that breaths so all the heat can escape!

Hydrate in the Heat

Hydration is always important when we work out. But in the heat it is extra vital. We require pre and post hydration and potential water during a workout. Make sure you give yourself a little extra time to hydrate before you work out. Start your day with a glass of water and that can help for a morning workout. Then after you workout replenish what you sweated out with more water.

If you have a long or intense workout planed, consider a water belt or find another way to bring water with you.

Cool Down in the Heat

People often skip the cooldown thinking it’s not that important or just wanting to focus on the “hard” part of exercise. But when it is hot we have even less wiggle room for error. The cool down is vital because when it’s hot every system in the body is working harder including the heart. If we stop too fast our blood pressure can dip too low too fast and make us feel lightheaded and potentially cause us to faint.

It’s not worth that feeling so take 5 minutes or add 5 minutes and slow down instead of coming to an abrupt stop.


Sometimes in the have we need to alter our goals—going shorter or less intense. Research indicates that a 7 to 15 minute interval workout is really worthwhile. So don’t feel like you didn’t get enough if you shortened your workout.

You can also do a longer workout but do something more gentle like a walk. It’s really easy to carry water on a walk.

Know the Signs of Heat Exhaustion

It’s important to know the signs of heat exhaustion so you stop before things get too bad. If you feel nauseous, light headed, have a headache, feel your muscles cramping, and/or your skin starts to get cold and clammy, stop, sip water, and get in air conditioning. Anything more than those symptoms (like vomiting) may require medical attention.

You can train in the heat, but you have to plan and accept some changes. Look up the weather and most important: listen to your body. It’s the best way to ensure you get to KEEP MOVING.

Check out this video to see more!

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