Do plank every day this week. You get to decide how long to hold and what position is best for your body. Remember, if you feel pain in your back or shoulders, stop and take a break. To make it more fun grab a friend or relative and challenge each other to see who can last the longest. Make it a little plank Olympics.

Here is how to get into plank position:

On Knees

Lie down on your stomach, propped up on your forearms like you are reading a book at the beach. Bend your knees and lift your hips slightly off the floor. Hold for as long as you can.

On Toes (More Challenging)

Lie down on your stomach, propped up on your forearms like you are reading a book at the beach. With your legs straight curl your toes under and lift your hips off the floor. Hold as long as you can.

What is your longest time?