So, I’m on this healthy lifestyle, right? I have a goal to get in the best shape of my life this year. The challenge started March 27th, and so far I’ve been sick about half the time. So what’s the lesson here? It’s a lesson, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to hear. It’s a lesson that created a debate in my house all last week.

This was the debate:

Matt: I don’t think we should go the Pennsylvania to do the Warrior Dash. You’ve been really run down and I don’t want to see you get sick again, especially two weeks before we leave for Switzerland.

Maggie’s Mind: Damn, he’s right, but it totally sucks.

Maggie Aloud: What do you want me to do, never work out again? I am feeling better. And, I really want to do the Warrior Dash. And I really want to see the friends we were going to see down there.

Matt: Me too, but is it worth it?

Maggie’s Mind: No, I don’t want to get pharyngitis again, but come on…this totally sucks!

Maggie Aloud: Let’s think on it and decide Friday.

(Note: this is a very truncated version of what happened. The conversation actually involved a good deal more disgruntledness mostly from my stubborn inability to concede when it comes to my physical abilities.)

On Friday, I decided that Matt was right. It wasn’t worth it. I keep trying to convince myself that this decision is part of getting in the best shape of my life and I’m really doing what is best for my body. Although having not run in three weeks, it’s hard to see it that way. I’m itching to run and move. Still, I know it was the right call. (Can you tell that I’m still trying to convince myself?)

Anyone have an idea of another challenge? I now need a replacement. Although quite frankly, I think me agreeing not to go is probably me surpassing one of the larger challenges I could place in front of myself this year.

And get ready. If I can’t do it this year, next year I want to assemble a whole team to do it. Check out how much fun it is: Warrior Dash Video.