There are a number of ways to have a healthy holiday weekend. With all the scrumptious foods laid out in front of us it can be hard to stick to a healthy lifestyle, but part of a healthy lifestyle is adjusting for holidays, so here are some tips to help you get through the July 4th weekend and come out feeling a little better Monday morning.

  • Work Out First– Tomorrow morning before you head out to any picnics or firework shows, get a little workout in. You’ll feel better if you do. Try a Pilates workout. If you can’t remember the exercises look back at Exercises of the Week on this blog for a refresher. Try to get some cardio in too–that burns more calories. Take a walk or a bike ride.

  • Bring A Healthy Snack– There is bound to be plenty of relatively unhealthy options at any celebration or picnic. Brownies and chips are likely to abound. It’s okay to eat that stuff, but bring a healthy choice too. Pick up a pack of veggies and dip at a local supermarket. Carrots may not taste like chips, but they do provide the same crunch.

  • Dessert Share– If you have other friends or relatives who are trying to eat healthy too, try a dessert share. Instead of having a whole piece of every dessert available, have a bite. Grab a selection of the desserts and share them all with a group of friends so that you get a taste of everything. Then, if you want to, pick your favorite to have a full piece.

  • Get Moving– At your picnic see if you can’t get a group of people to be active. Play volleyball, go for a swim, or take a walk around the block. You can still visit and chat while your making new memories together.

  • Think About Your Belly Button–Whether you’re driving to a picnic or hosting one, you have some time to pull your belly button to your spine and engage the core. This will not only help you build muscle, but it might also get you considering your waistline before you overindulge. If you’re throwing the party, try to remember to keep your core engaged as much as possible while you’re setting up and cooking. If you’re heading to a party, keep your navel to your spine on the car ride over. Try it on the way back too, although it can be tough when you are tired and potentially stuffed.

  • No Picking– If you don’t have to get up and put in on your plate don’t eat it. That means, don’t just grab an extra piece of dessert and eat it while standing around the table. If there is a bowl of chips by you move them further away so you won’t constantly snack. You can eat the chips and the dessert, just make it take some effort so that you have time to think about whether you will really want them.

  • The Morning After– Your body will feel better if you get up and move, especially if the day before it was stuffed with sweets, sugary beverages and carbs. Take another walk or bike ride. You don’t have to power walk, you can take a long stroll. Visit a part of the state you have never been. Old Wethersfield and Lebanon both have great town greens that are safe to walk around. Each is over a mile, so you can meander around more than once. Grab someone you can chat with and the time will pass by even faster. Do some kind of activity you enjoy doing. Practice Pilates breathing while you do it.

I hope some of these tips help you have a healthier holiday. Remember, it’s okay to splurge once in a while. That’s life. The problem is we often tend to get frustrated with ourselves when we do. A little frustration is probably okay if it helps stay on a healthy path, but if you’d like to attempt not to get agitated with yourself this weekend, try some of the tactics above. Most importantly enjoy the time off or the time with family and friends.