Instructor Highlight Isa

Isa is not one of our instructors, but she helps us with admin work.  If you have ever gotten a postcard or holiday card that’s in large part due to Isa.  She inputs and organizes all our client names and addresses.  She prints our labels for all our mailings.  Her work it vital to PE and helping us have a personal touch.  Here’s her instructor highlight.

Get to know Isa:

When you aren’t teaching what are some of your favorite ways to move?

I like kickboxing, HIIT, and I try to practice yoga every morning. And I love going on walks in the woods.

What song motivates or picks you up the most?

Jason Mraz, “Make it mine”.

Favorite Food?

Cheese and French bread 🙂

Time you normally crawl into bed?

I’m usually in bed by 9pm every night, but I read for an hour.

What skill would you like to master?

Playing the guitar.

What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?

Cross-country trip in a RV with my family. In the USA, France, or Australia!

 Favorite season?  Why?

Fall, because I love the colors and flavors (apple and pumpkin everything!)

 Best advice you’ve ever gotten?

You cannot control what happens around you, but […]