Today, I think a picture really is worth a thousand words. Here is a picture of everything I ate, even if I only had a bite or two. Thank God I had friends who were willing to share everything with me or I don’t think I would have made it through the day!

Baked Potato–Nothing special

Swiss Pancake–YUM!

Fried Oreo–Yuck

Bacon Cheeseburger on a Donut–Amazingly Delicious

Fried Butter–Nothing Special

Beef Jerky–Good

Raspberries–I’m getting healthier!

Mac & Cheese–So Good

Clam Fritters–Great

Pumpkin Ravioli–Inedible

Ginger Bread Whoopi Pie–Okay

Smore with Bacon–Not Bad

Chocolate Covered Bacon–Bacon tasted burnt.

Ben & Jerry’s Schweddy Balls–Very Good

Personal Euphoria