As of tomorrow I will have gone one whole year without using shampoo:


  • When I traveled to China and my boyfriend was concerned about me traveling overseas with a plastic baggie of baking soda.
  • When I went to New Orleans to visit my sister for the weekend.
  • When I went away with my family for a week and forgot baking soda.

So there have been a handful of times where I’ve used it, but I can’t say I miss it at all. And the truth is, my hair is less oily and greasy, so when I do travel, I need to use shampoo rarely–once every three or four days maybe. And I think I only need to use it that frequently because I work out and sweat around my hairline.

Woman with shampoo in hair

They say habits take five years to make permanent, but I’m confident I’ve said my final bye-bye to shampoo suds for the time being. When I think of it what I’ll miss most of all is making funny hairdo and Mohawks with a sudsy head, but, truthfully, I haven’t done that since I was a child.