Fatherly Advice

Earlier this year my best friend’s father passed away unexpectedly. Julie has been my best friend since elementary school, so her whole family played a role in my childhood, and I was grateful that even though we are all grown up her parents were still in my life.  His death was news I wasn’t ready for—one of the deaths I’ve had to live through that shook me.  The loss made me especially appreciative to have my father.  Moments after hearing about Julie’s dad, I called mine, happy to hear his voice. This father’s day, at Julie’s suggestion, I thought I write about some of the amusing fatherly advice I’ve received over the years.

From Julie’s Dad

Mr. Wernau’s advice stands out.  I’ve thought about it daily since the moment he filled my thoughts with horror.  Julie and I were in high school. Her dad was driving us somewhere so we were a trapped audience.  He must have been having a rough day because he announced, “Girls, enjoy every good BM you have because one day will be your last good one.”  I cringed at “BM” because I detest the term, but I took his […]