Did the Microbiome Diet Help Me?

Playing with my food. Playing with my food.

My naturopath wanted me to do the microbiome diet for three months.  The book  by Raphael Kellman suggested six weeks.  I was committed for five and half weeks, until Matt and I went on vacation and then I slowly descended into dairy.  Though, I didn’t make my three month goal, the real question is did the microbiome diet help me?

I don’t know the answer.  It’s why research on humans is so hard.  There are so many variables.  As I approached six weeks on the diet, the sun was coming out.  We were reaching the longest day of the year.  Maybe that made all the difference.  My workload is less in summer, maybe that helped.

I always feel better when I eat better, so in a general sense I felt better, but never better enough to give up all that I felt I was restricting.  I didn’t sleep any better.  My gut felt no better.  I lost some weight.  I experienced some bowel trouble I didn’t have prior.  You wanted to know that, right?  My psoriasis did improve, but my gut actually tells me that […]