When it Comes to Movement, Your Mindset Matters

Your mindset can make all the difference as to whether or not you stick to a new plan. So let’s try to change some common misconceptions about moving.

  • I Don’t Have Time

This is never really true of anything. We have the time.  It’s about how we prioritize our time, and, in this case, whether we prioritize movementIf you get together with friends you could ask to go for a walk instead of meet up for food or coffee.  If you sit down in front of the couch you could get up and march in place.  On a phone call at work you could do some exercises.  But we often feel embarrassed to move in front of others.  Ignore them.  They aren’t moving.  And if they aren’t they don’t feel as good as you when you move.  Most likely they are just jealous that you don’t care.  And, you might even inspire someone else to move.  And, its highly possible they are so busy they aren’t noticing anyway.

1) As a side note, even if you think you don’t have time, you can tweak little things. Park far away at the mall, doctor’s office or work. Take stairs instead of the escalator […]

When it Comes to Movement, Your Mindset Matters2018-01-13T16:27:42-05:00

Listen to Your Body and Feel Less Pain

The mind is a powerful tool, but pit the mind and the body against each other and often the body will win in time. When you’re taking a fitness class, going for a run, a walk or doing anything physical, you need to check-in and listen to your body.

Top: Neck Happy Middle & Bottom: Neck Sad & Straining Top: Neck Happy/ Middle & Bottom: Neck Sad

If you feel pain, you must pay attention and adjust what you’re doing. I teach Pilates classes every day and I see people working through bad pain.  It’s not a muscle being challenged pain.  I can see their neck straining or their back straining.  I can say “If your neck hurts lower your head,” but sometimes people keep their head up.

It’s not that people are ignoring me (I hope). Sometimes people aren’t checking in and don’t really notice it hurts right away.  Other times people are trying to push through.  We so believe in the “no pain to gain” mentality that we are at times willing to work through the wrong kind of pain.  There is no need to push through neck pain or back pain.  […]

Listen to Your Body and Feel Less Pain2017-09-12T19:31:15-04:00
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