Butt Massage

Years ago a friend mentioned to me that she had gone for a rather awkward massage.  The therapist told my friend that she had tight hips and then proceeded to straddling her on the table, digging her knees into my friend’s glutes and hips to work out the kinks.  My friend was understandably uncomfortable. This is not a normal occurrence in a massage.  In fact, more often than not, massage therapists pass right over our glutes, bypassing a butt massage altogether.

Last year, Matt and I went away for my birthday.  We signed up for massages.  At one point the therapist said to me, “You have really tight hips.”  Then she straddled me and dug her knees into my butt.  All I could think of was my friend’s story.  The massage felt great, but I would have been uncomfortable if I hadn’t heard about this happening.  The second my massage was complete, I texted my friend: where did you get that massage?  Sure enough we were at the same place, and I have no doubt we had the same massage therapist.

Believe it or not, this was not the most awkward massage I’ve had.  In China a massage therapist once rubbed my […]