
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of year.  I love to eat.  I really enjoy my family.  And everyone gathers without the crazy rush of Christmas time.  Turkey day kicks off the holiday season.  And though that season can be crazy I really do enjoy it.

This is a very reflective time of year, which can bring out a lot of emotions.  It’s always a good time to stop and take stock.  I feel very lucky.  I love my job and the work I do.  But that is entirely because […]


Once Grateful for Boys, Now Grateful for So Much More

One of the moments when I just couldn't stop smiling. One of the moments when I just couldn’t stop smiling.

Tomorrow at my family dinner we will go around the table and express our gratitude for something.  I always cycle through the same three answers.  I’m grateful that I can travel.  I’m grateful for my health. And I’m grateful for my family and friends.

All true, but I thought it might be worthwhile to think outside the box and come up with something different this year. For help I grabbed a gratitude journal I started keeping in 1998.  While my intentions are good now, and I mean to keep a gratitude journal, I tend to only use it a handful of times a year.   But twenty years ago, I was reasonably consistent.

Here’s a sampling of things I appreciated in high school:


Long Walks on Beautiful Days

Being able to Clock Distances in your Car

A Man Running Back and Forth between a Stop Sign and a Stop Ahead Sign

My Brother’s Huge Bear Hugs

Listening to Other People’s Memories from Before I was Alive

Seeing Nick S Because He is so Good Looking but I Have Never Talked to […]

Once Grateful for Boys, Now Grateful for So Much More2017-10-25T14:24:29-04:00
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