Supporting the legs will often make it easier to do a pelvic tilt from the abs.

If you are prone to low back pain, you might want to consider fascia as the culprit, especially if an X-ray and MRI reveal that nothing is wrong. 

Fascia is the connective tissue that runs along and encapsulates everything in our body.  Research has shown that people with chronic low back pain have lumbar fascia that is about 25% thicker than people without pain. 

What should you do if the lumbar (low back) fascia might be causing your pain?

1)       Massage

Find a qualified good massage therapist.  An effective massage does not have to feel like torture.  You don’t have to opt for a sport massage, unless that’s up you alley. 

2)       Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate

Like most of our body our fascia needs water to function optimally.  So drink up.  But if you are drinking and it doesn’t seem to be helping, consider making sure you have the right mix of electrolytes.  Electrolytes help us store the water in the body for a little while instead of it just passing right through us.

3)       Keep Moving

In almost all cases stillness is one of the worst things for low back pain.  Of course, excessive, intense exercise like running a marathon or an interval boot camp class may not be the best choice.  But find some stretches that feel good in your body.  Take a walk, swim.  Learn to gently engage the abdominals for support.

Additional Info:

Want to read more about electrolytes?  Click here.

Could your bed be causing your back pain?

How seats might be increasing your pain.

How to do a gentle pelvic tilt.

For a wonderful massage therapist and OT in the Greater Hartford, CT area try Kim at Woodside Massage.

While not entirely about fascia, our 30-Day Movement Makeover program has two 20-minute fascia based workouts.

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