I’ve been getting lots of questions about the new ball Pilates class we are starting in Newington this week. I hope this blog will answer some of the questions:

1) Even if you’ve never done the ball, the intermediate level stays intermediate and the beginner level stays beginner, so you don’t need to start at beginner because you haven’t done it yet.

2) On the first day of class I will tell you if you have the right size ball for your body, so save your receipt in case you need to exchange the ball. There are height measurements on the ball, but they aren’t always accurate. When it is fully inflated you want to sit comfortably on it, with a 90 degree angle at your hips and knees. You do not want your hips sinking lower than your knees, but a little higher is okay.

3) You can purchase a ball almost anywhere: Walmart, Target, Marshalls (usually), TJ Max (usually), and sometimes even at a major bookstore.

4) The ball can be used like any prop. It has the potential to make some exercises harder and make others easier. Just like mat pilates, modifications can always be made.

Just balancing on the ball automatically engages the core muscles adding a challenge you may not even feel. If you like mat pilates you’re bound to enjoy the ball. Try it…you’ll like it!